
What's Been Going On Around Here

It's been a relatively busy few weeks in the Suburban Lesbian household.

LT has been working wonky hours splitting her time between a few local hospitals. She worked 2 day shifts and 2 night shifts last week, then her Friday day shift got canceled. She gets well-compensated for this kind of craziness, but I don't envy her schedule one bit.

Another awesome thing about my job: we (the case managers) were all allowed to leave work at noon yesterday because (quoth the CEO): "It's a gorgeous day. You've all been working really hard. Go have fun." Mmmokay!

Kidlet is finally finishing up her latest respiratory badness. She did the febrile barking seal thing for a few days, but she's on the mend now. In retrospect, her sickness might at least partly explain her evilness the week prior. Maybe LT and I really are Mean Mommies...

Tomorrow is my cousin Julie's wedding shower. She's been engaged for so long that I was starting to think that she had gotten married already and I just wasn't invited to the wedding. Since kidlet is feeling better, I'm bringing her with me, but LT has a prior commitment, so she won't be joining us. She's devastated, as you can imagine. We dykes love ourselves a nice wedding shower...

We're seriously considering putting the house back on the market. The house next door is back on, and we think it's under agreement, which we see as a very good sign. Unfortunately, LT has already started her Spring ritual of completely rearranging the entire yard, so we can't do anything just yet. We'll take a couple of months to get things all prettified and then call the realtor. Cross yer fingers!

In case you weren't already aware, Spring has finally, officially arrived here in Metro South, MA. There are green buds everywhere, the hyacinth and daffodils are up, and the hosta are getting ready to make an appearance. Also, I'm seriously thinking about getting off my ass and dragging LT out for a bike ride with me. Right after she finishes transplanting the back yard to the the side yard and moving the hydrangeas to where the rhododendron used to be...

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