For example...
My new workspace, let me show you it:
I've accomplished a few other things, too. Namely:
-Sorted through my clothes and donated everything that is too big for me (read: just about every piece of clothing in my closet).
-Purchased four new outfits for work, complete with shoes, for less than $300 (I *heart* Old Navy and H&M!).
-Planted all the seeds for this year's herb garden.
-Made several pieces to show to a local jewelry consigner
(For Example...)
-Scrubbed every surface in the kitchen until my arms ached.
-In a grand testament to my gracelessness, managed to fall down all 13 of my stairs (without hitting my head once on the way down-- that takes talent!).
-Purchased, wrapped, and shipped a shamefully belated wedding gift (hi Gretchen!).
-Sorted through kidlet's toys and disposed of the ones she's outgrown without her even knowing about it.
-Finished 2 Subversive Cross Stitch projects I had started before Christmas.
Still left on the To Do list:
-Practice walking in new high heel shoes (see above: gracelessness, my).
-Call my new boss to find out what time I need to be at my new job on Monday.
-Iron all my new clothes.
-Upload and edit a whole mess of video footage of kidlet being cute.
I'll catch y'all next week...
I am in LUB with your workspace. :)
Hmmm, SLM. The title of your blog post is familiar....
I can't criticize, however. All I can say is that I stole it from the GoGos first.
Have a great rest of your vacation.
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